Coaching courses

For information about upcoming coaching courses across all disciplines, and for the club offer booking process, please click here.

Workshops, CPDs and Forums

Swim England Safeguarding CPD

A requirement of Club Affiliation/SwimMark is that all workforce within the club who are in regular contact with young people and are required to complete a DBS check if they are 16 years or above; these people must also complete a Safeguarding CPD once they are 18 years old. Please contact your club development officer, or WavePower if you are unsure regarding safeguarding requirements. Safeguarding courses should be completed every 3 years. Swim England launched their own Safeguarding CPD earlier this year which is now available online with many workshops to choose from.

Team Manager Module One

This training is intended to be a basic and informative workshop to give participants the confidence and knowledge to effectively manage a team at a local level. The course is designed to achieve the following four outcomes:

  • To raise awareness of the key areas to consider in being a safe and effective Team Manager at local competitions
  • To identify likely problems and challenges
  • To understand the need for risk assessments
  • To be aware of where further help, guidance and support is available


  1. Holds Swim England Membership
  2. Aged 18 year or older

Please click here for upcoming workshops

Time to Listen Course

Swim England has linked up with the NSPCC and is accredited to deliver the Time to Listen module, which is aimed at Club Welfare Officers. The Time to Listen programme provides the opportunity to acquire key knowledge necessary for the role and responsibilities of a CWO, to adopt a child-focused approach to safeguarding and to learn about the action/s which should be taken should any incident occur. You must have completed an approved Safeguarding workshop to attend this course. All welfare officers must complete this course. You must be 18+ to attend. Please click here for upcoming course dates.

Welfare Officer Workshop
This workshop is designed to further support experienced or new Club Welfare Officers in dealing with club issues surrounding the welfare of children in given situations. The workshop will build on knowledge already gained through attendance on both the Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Time to Listen workshops.The workshop will include interactive breakout rooms and the chance to share good practice and ask questions. The workshop will last no more than 2 hours and will be delivered online via Zoom.Current Dates & Booking
Club Chair Information Session and National Forum
This session is designed to share important information with Club Chairs on dealing with internal disputes, highlighting the club constitution and overall good club governance.The sessions will include interactive breakout rooms and the chance to share good practice and ask questions. Each session will last no more than 2 hours and will be delivered online via Zoom

Current Dates & Booking

The National Chairs Forum discusses a variety of topics and is an opportunity to ask questions and share best practice. To sign up to this please email:

Club Secretary and Membership Officer Information Session
This session is designed to share important information with Club Secretaries and Membership Officers on the expectations of the roles including dealing with communications, understanding the club constitution, Swim England Online Membership System (OMS) and the requirements around the different Swim England memberships.The sessions will include interactive breakout rooms and the chance to share good practice and ask questions. Each session will last no more than 2 hours and will be delivered online via Zoom.Current Dates & Booking 

Masters Development Day

Derby Excel Swimming Club are organising the first of its kind Masters Swimmers Development Day
intended for Master swimmers of all abilities and ages. The workshop is aimed to provide some
inspiration and skills to the Master swimmers at the beginning of the season. The workshop is limited to
24 swimmers so don’t wait for too long to book your place!
Note that Derbyshire Master swimmers have a priority for bookings made in August and are entitled for a
£20 cashback through the Derbyshire ASA – see the leaflet for details.